INVESTIGATION 2.0: A Non-Biased Look Into Last Week's Barstool Main Twitter Account Usage Involving Tweets Specifically Linked To Blogs

[Editor’s Note: This is solely a Clickbate Smits production. All about the content, pageviews, and jokes!]

Last week at Barstool Sports, there was an uproar of ethics, honor, and integrity that came to be known as #TweetGate. You can, and should, read about the entire investigation here: INVESTIGATION: Is A Certain Blogger Taking Advantage Of The Main Barstool Sports Twitter Account Solely To Benefit Their Own Pageviews? That week featured 19 Tweets Tweeted back to Barstool Nate blogs (as well as 18 to Kmarko, then 9 for Trent, 8 for Liz, 6 for Smitty, etc). A huge discrepancy was discovered and it was possibly attributed to Barstool Nate being in charge of the scheduling blogs that were being Tweeted. Discussions were made, and the smoke seemingly cleared.

However, smoke that stinks (smog?) doesn’t clear very easily in CBS’ reality. We went back and charted the Barstool Sports main Twitter account the same exact way for last week 10/29 – 11/02. A workweek that started out normal, but was shaken up royally on Tuesday afternoon, 10/30. So, how did those numbers fare for the entire week? Let’s take a look at the facts, as we encourage you to go back and double check the public figures:

WEEK OF 10/29 – 11/02 TOTALS: Name Of Blogger – Blogs Tweeted By Main Barstool Sports Account

KenJac/Kayce/Gay Pat – 1

Robbie Fox/Jordie/KFC/Kate/Francis/Reags – 2

Carrabis/Riggs – 3

Pres – 4 (2 of which Pres had to Tweet out on his own b/c he’s the hardest working champion here)

Feits/Chaps – 5

Jerry/Smitty/Kmarko – 7

JacMac – 8

Clem – 10

Trent – 12

Nate – 16

Interesting. Nate was top dawg for the second straight week of having his blogs Tweeted out by the Barstool Sports main account to its 1.3 MILLION followers. Great for him. So one may agree with Nate’s claims from the previous week that he sincerely has the most wide ranging blogs that would get the most traction for the site over anyone else, right? By these statistical facts, one would draw such a conclusion. However, Nate, like the previous week, was still “Doing His Job” with social media scheduling up until at least Tuesday afternoon when #TweetGate was uncovered at around 5pm. Afterwards? It’s not so clear. So let’s compare the numbers from Mon/Tues before the bombshell of #TweetGate dropped, and after, shall we? I mean, if everything was fair all along, and not just after someone got caught abusing the system, then those figures should be very comparable, correct?

Pre “#TweetGate” TOTALS – Monday 10/29 – Tuesday, 5pm(ish) on 10/30

Kayce/Reags/KenJac/Hubbs – 0

Pres/KFC/Jordie/Gay Pat/PFT/Jerry/Francis/Jordie/Carrabis – 1

Smitty/Robbie Fox/Trent/Feits/Riggs/Kate/JacMac/Reags – 2

Liz/Kmarko/Clem – 3

Chaps – 4

Nate – 8 (of which includes 2 Alex Ovetchkin blogs, 1 Redskins blog, and 1 double post of Booger McFarland that was written at the same time by another blogger whose post statistically performed better, but Nate’s post was “Chosen” for the Tweet)

Hmm. Ok. Nate’s Tweets DOUBLED the next highest blogger in links Tweeted back to the site before #TweetGate. Seemingly the same patterns of blogs Tweeted for everyone should stay the same throughout the rest of the week, right? Let’s see:

Post “#TweetGate” Tuesday, 5pm 10/30 – Friday, 11/2

Robbie Fox/PFT/Kate/Gay Pat – 0

KenJac/Kayce/KFC/Chaps/Riggs/Francis/Jordie – 1

Feits/Liz – 3

Hubbs/Smitty/Pres/Kmarko – 4

Jerry – 6 (1 before #TweetGate)

Clem – 7 (3 before #TweetGate)

Nate – 8 (8 before #TweetGate, and coincidentally 0 local team blogs after the scandal)

Trent – 10 (2 before #TweetGate)

Hmm. Interesting. There seems to be a wide discrepancy of how many certain bloggers’ posts were Tweeted from before, and after “#TweetGate”. Trent, Jerry, Clem, Smitty, Chaps, Nate, as well as others all write about various stories that provide mass appeal to worldwide audiences. It seems like specifically some “Wide Ranging” bloggers were bogged down by something on Monday and Tuesday, as well as the previous week, respectively. What was that the singular common factor that held back some bloggers Tweet totals, yet inflated only one other’s numbers? That’s not for me to answer. I’m just here to display point out the facts to the public and help fight tyranny, oppression, and hypocrisy through reality.

And provide Clickbait enjoyed by the masses. Please, click on this blog I have hyperlinked right now. Do it. You know you want to. CLICK HERE.

PS – No word on if these Tweets to millions which linked back to blogs actually affected individual PAGEVIEWS as those numbers/rankings are now to remain “In-House”. Have a nice day.

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